Roxie goat homestead
Exploring the pasture
Hi my name is Roxie and I have 9 goats
I think you found goat lovers in every region of the States. I sure do love my goats. I’m crazy about them. Pretty sad that they have finally reached a size and weight that has become too big for me to pick up anymore. But, that’s also a really good thing. That means they are finally gaining some much needed weight.Hi, MIss @Roxie goat homestead! Welcome to BYH! You will find there are a lot of folks here who love goats. There is Miss @babsbag, who lives near Redding, CA. She has a goat dairy, has a dry climate, and is fun to read. Her journal is called "Jumping the Moon Dairy" and you can find it here: There is Miss @goatgurl in western Arkansas (which is where we are located also). There is Miss @B&B Happy goats in northern Florida. There is Miss @Carla D, who is located in Wisconsin. There is @Goat Whisperer, located in North Carolina, and a whole bunch of other folks that I don't know about. So dive in and enjoy BYH!
Senile Texas Aggie