Herd Master
Blueberry is a good looking horse!
I used the Western NC need for household goods and clothing as an incentive to clean out closets and sheds. It's good to know that someone will get use of my unused/good stuff.My original plan for picking up a new horse was I was going to sell Jack in the fall so I could save on a hay bill and pick a new one up in the spring. My buddy found Blueberry and showed my wife who has a thing for blue roans and next thing I knew I was driving up to American Falls to pick her up. Two year old and she’d never been haltered. Took me over an hour to get a halter on her and get her loaded in the trailer. She is a beauty.
Not much got done outside the last couple days. My wife rented a dumpster to clean up the house and yard so every minute I’m not at work gets dedicated to that. Never realize how much junk gets collected until you’ve filled up a giant dumpster.
Me tooI'm just reading and learning here...