wow... 4-6 supers per hive... that would be incredible! This is my first year, so the hive wasn't established and missed almost the entire dandelion season. Hopefully they'll survive the winter and next year we'll see what happens.
I requeened my troubled lang today. Three days ago I went completely through everything and it was pretty obvious she was never going to be able to pull it together. I lucked up and found a mated queen here locally (well, 60 miles away) So this morning I pulled the hive apart, and went through every frame five times looking for the old queen. No luck. I gave up, exasperated and my back screaming from being hunched over the boxes so long. Put everything back together and took a break. Came back an hour later, said a prayer, cracked the boxes apart again and there she was - sitting on top of the frames.
took her out, dropped her in a pill bottle w/ alcohol to make swarm lure, and closed the boxes up for a second time. Came back 5 hours later and they were plenty riled up. Lifted the cover and set her cage right at the handhole where I feed at - and they came boiling up out of there! All over her cage... that was the coolest thing to see! Then their little butts came up and they started fanning nasonov - I said ok young lady, time to get to work. I popper her screen off and tilted her down into the brood combs... looked like a regular mosh pit.
Good timing, that, looks like we're in for a long weekend of rain. Hope she settles right in there and can turn a batch of fresh brood before frost.
Good luck! Really late in the year to be re-queening isn't it? They accepted the new queen that fast? That's wild! I was under the impression it takes a day or two (package installs).
I checked on my 2nd hive today. (originally the split) I was getting a little concerned that they aren't taking as much 2:1 sugar water. I spotted the queen and her pattern looks good, they just aren't expanding much and don't have enough stores for winter. I refilled the feeder and hopefully, they will start draining it quickly. They are gaining in bees, now that they are hatching regularly, maybe they'll take more of it. They are bringing in pollen well also.
Peeked in the top cover of the main hive, and they are draining syrup pretty fast. I have 2 mason jars in there, and they will need a refill in another couple of days. A lot of pollen is still coming in the hive.
I checked both mite boards, and they are still dropping. I'm always amazed by how many mites are in a hive and you don't realize it until you see them on the board. I have to do the 2nd treatment on Friday.
What did you treat with? I read backwards, but couldn't find if you mentioned anywhere. I still have the bottom drop board out so just screened bottom board at the moment. Don't want to put the board in until after I treat. I haven't heard back from the club officer yet and I really need to get those super frames out, get the 2 deeps treated and get the mason jar feeders installed. He tends to get overwhelmed and time slips by... I'll contact him again if I haven't heard from him by Wednesday.
My bee club guy came by today and I got my strips. Been windy and cooler and there have been scattered little T-storms around, so won't mess with the hive today. Hopefully I can get it taken care of tomorrow before noon. Supposed to be back in the low 80s tomorrow, not sure about rain/wind/etc. At the same time I need to put on my mouse guard wire and entrance restrictor as I have wasps hanging around outside to eat the aging bees as they leave to die.
@Latestarter - yeah, this is sort of right on the tail end of the season for requeening. Nothing ventured nothing gained. That hive was pulling in pollen this morning -good sign. I won't peek until next week. My third patch of buckwheat is coming in, it's right at an acre. The bees were working it this morning in the fog and drizzle... if it ever clears off we are gonna have some major orientation flights! Four more days of rain on the board. Our water table is coming back tho!