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- #271
Happy Chooks
Loving the herd life
Hive #1 has a queen!
She is pretty and laying up a storm!

I'm glad I checked on the hives today. Hive #1 needed a box reversal, as the top box was almost full. LOTS of brood, honey and pollen. They were starting to backfill, but no queen cells yet. Now they have a nice big empty box on top. Hive #2 (the one that swarmed in October) STILL has a really high population, so I split off some frames of brood, honey, pollen and nurse bees and created a new hive. I'll reverse boxes on them next week, when the queen has a chance to fill up the empty frames I put in there.
This is the strongest my hives have ever come out of winter. If you could call our "winter" this year a winter.
Right now, the manzanita and wild plums are in full bloom. We have TONS of manzanita around here, so it's a very strong nectar source. With the weather in the high 60's, they are going to town on them. Flowering quince, pluots, camelia, and dogwood are just starting to bloom. My orange isn't in bloom yet, but it's budding.