Well, it just kept looking worse & worse. Wasn't going to "fix itself", so I went in and did demolition on hive #2.
They had bur comb between frames almost as thick as a small flashlight casing running vertically between the frames and stuck to both sides.
They had started drawing comb up through the inner cover opening
They also had done nowhere near enough work at drawing out the other frames. They only have maybe 4 full frames of drawn comb! And this after more than 6 weeks! 
Put that hive tool to work in hive #2 and took out a BUNCH of garbage comb, losing honey, larva, eggs, bees and I hope NOT the queen. I didn't even see her today and to be truthful, wasn't looking that hard to find her. I then took the outer frames that hadn't even been touched and placed them between frames with brood etc. in a patchwork fashion. I left all the wax right there so they can recover it and the honey if they choose. I did the best I could to make sure the frames were pushed close together, top to bottom & centered in the deep so this doesn't happen again.
Part of the issue I believe is that I have slightly warped frames
They don't want to stay together at the bottom
I did get a couple mouthfuls of comb and honey... OMG it is so different/better than store bought!
I had no idea! So THIS is what honey is supposed to taste like!
I sure hope they get their act together as I want some this fall! 
Hive number one was a LOT better! They've drawn out 5-6 frames and only a very minor bit of bur that I just knocked off and left inside at the bottom of the hive. I also patchworked their frames to urge them to draw more comb as well. I want to get that 2nd deep on BOTH hives so they can really expand their population, I can stop feeding them, and they can make/fill some honey supers for me!

They had bur comb between frames almost as thick as a small flashlight casing running vertically between the frames and stuck to both sides.

Put that hive tool to work in hive #2 and took out a BUNCH of garbage comb, losing honey, larva, eggs, bees and I hope NOT the queen. I didn't even see her today and to be truthful, wasn't looking that hard to find her. I then took the outer frames that hadn't even been touched and placed them between frames with brood etc. in a patchwork fashion. I left all the wax right there so they can recover it and the honey if they choose. I did the best I could to make sure the frames were pushed close together, top to bottom & centered in the deep so this doesn't happen again.

I did get a couple mouthfuls of comb and honey... OMG it is so different/better than store bought!

Hive number one was a LOT better! They've drawn out 5-6 frames and only a very minor bit of bur that I just knocked off and left inside at the bottom of the hive. I also patchworked their frames to urge them to draw more comb as well. I want to get that 2nd deep on BOTH hives so they can really expand their population, I can stop feeding them, and they can make/fill some honey supers for me!