HomesteaderWife - Tales from Wolf Branch [05/10/2023 - The New Fella!]


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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So WOW- I have not written anything here in a good long while. There's so much to update on.

Our duckling grew up big and healthy- 3 boys and 1 girl!

My husband and I celebrate our anniversary today, and I was surprised a few days ago with an early present...a cute Kiko/Pygmy billy goat! "Triscuit" is now enjoying the company of our female goat, Linda, with fingers crossed for babies in the future for them. It was so amazing to walk out and find the new little guy with a red bow on his collar! We are living in our cabin now, and its such a great life! We have an old antique wood stove to help heat and cook. We just finished making our own table, and next step is to add a porch! Lots of new art projects and hide tanning going on that we hope to sell next weekend. I am making this sort of short, but I promise photos here soon. It's always good to write here.



Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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Okay, SO...I have neglected to post photos for a very long time now. And I know everyone here really seems to enjoy photos, especially of cute critters! I'm going to post a few here just to update and share!

To start off, we have not had snow at all this Winter here in Alabama. Our coldest day brought some ice and that was about it. Here's a photo of our Labrador enjoying that! You can see our cabin sort of in the background. STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

My husband surprised me with a male goat for our anniversary/early Christmas! Triscuit is a happy little guy, and Linda has taken to him well. Fingers crossed for baby goats this year! Triscuit's photo is on the left and Linda is on the right. Sorry- neither wanted a photo taken!
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The baby ducks grew so big! This is a photo of two of them now- Squash is saying "hello!" while Nellie looks on!
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Annddddd last but not least, we recently added some newbies to the chicken flock. Someone was giving them away because they were both roosters, so we ended up with the double trouble brothers- Edgar and Darles Chickens. They are both Golden Polish! Though the hens still don't like them after a month or so, they're maturing well and Edgar has started crowing finally. Darles is on the left and Edgar is on the right!
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Thanks for stopping by friends! Keep your head up!