HomesteaderWife - Tales from Wolf Branch [05/10/2023 - The New Fella!]


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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I'm so proud to update that one of our three young hens finally started to lay beautiful olive-colored eggs a few days ago. We are now getting 1-3 eggs per day (chicken & duck). I'm praying for our other two hens and the other duck to start laying soon, but I can't tell you how excited I was to see a second egg in the nest after "Fat Momma" (now "Fat Olive" :p) laid her first egg. We are so proud to have these beautiful girls!
The light pinkish egg belongs to Louise on the far left, and the hen next to her with her head out of view is Fat Olive, our new egg layer! Her egg is the pretty green one on the left.
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Unfortunately, it has been almost two months with our new female rabbit and she has YET to have a successful breeding or pregnancy with our two males. We are going to try again today, and hopefully see some results. :confused:


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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Things at the farm have been at a stand-still with two weeks of straight rain here. No work on the building the house- just a lot of small busy work. All of our hens are now laying, but the oldest just started going through molt so she looks pretty sad! We've been having problems with our rooster though. We raised him from a chick and he has been the sweetest, most well-behaved rooster until a few days ago. My husband kept worrying that he would be like all the roosters he had growing up- trying to flog him and unable to turn your back on them. I grew up with 3 roosters on the farm, and NEVER had problems from any of them. But about three or four days ago, our rooster came up behind me and grabbed the back of my leg. I shooed him off, only to have him come back and flog my leg again. I wondered if it wold be continual or if it would stop..Needless to say, he lost his marbles today and came after me a few times in a matter of minutes for no reason. I can't go in the pen and turn my back on him. I told my husband from the beginning that if this rooster did in fact have an attitude problem at some point, we would be rid of him. Unfortunately, he is either about to be sold or supper. I hate it, but he has become a problem.

We have another art sale coming up soon, and I have many homemade crafts that I hope will sell right before Christmas here. My last sale did alright- enough to cover the booth and the gas getting up there. Not a lot of business, needless to say!

But even though we have been at a stand-still on building, have a meany butt rooster, and haven't had much luck with an income...God gives us many blessings I smile at. My husband and I have been married almost a year now, but it feels like a much longer time, and I thank God for him every day. I am thankful for our egg-layers, giving us a dozen eggs or more a week that we can sell or share. We have watchful, protective dogs that never let a stranger go unannounced. My uncle was recently hospitalized with severe complications, but we give praise because he is out of the hospital and home, and didn't have to have surgery. And most of all, yesterday we were thankful for our military veterans. My husband was (always will be) a Marine, and I am thankful for what he did that protected my freedoms, before I even knew him. I think it was a hard day for him, without saying it, because his best friend took his life a little over a year ago (this was the young man who actually convinced my husband to join the Marines with him). PTSD is real and alive, and unfortunately medication cannot always repair the trauma these boys go through and remember forever. I take this time to show my support to all veterans. God bless you, and may you never fight the battle of PTSD alone.

It's a muddy, but beautiful day here. But the message of this post is to be thankful for the blessings you have around you. Be thankful for a new day, health, happiness, husbands & wives, children, parents, friends, a job, animals & gardens that provide for you, freedom, shelter, water, food, protection, talents, transportation, the seasons changing, and the salvation we've been given.

I wish you all the best,



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I hope the sale coming up is better for you than the last one. How did your dream catchers sell?

Sorry the rain has slowed you down, but sometimes you just have to take the time for other things. That mean rooster would make some yummy chicken and dumplings. :lol: Sorry about your husband's friend. :hugs


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
I hope the sale coming up is better for you than the last one. How did your dream catchers sell?

They haven't sold yet! The sale actually did terrible! :lol: I didn't even sell $10 worth of stuff, so needless to say it was a bust. But I am trying to keep positive, and advertising some things in the local paper right before Christmas. Maybe it will do better!


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
Man- I was so excited this morning as I let all of the chickens out. I had always heard about chickens having the ability to lay a double-yolked egg, but have never actually seen one in person (even though my grandmother raised chickens when I was young, and I would always help her collect eggs!) They say the probability of finding one is 1 in 1,000 so I feel pretty darn special. I haven't cracked it open but my goodness...compared to the size this hen normally lays (a large size, but not THIS big), I KNOW this has to have two yolks! Just wanted to share this crazy photo!
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