Hopping into Rabbits this weekend


Overrun with beasties
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
WV - Eastern Panhandle
Well since I clearly needed another project I took on meat rabbits this weekend. I made the jump from chickens because we are close to neighbors and chickens are smelly, I don't have a great set up for raising peeps. Since I do child care it is really hard to keep them in the house until they are of age. And one of my least favorite things to butcher is an excess rooster. (unless he's just beaked me as one of the kids puts is)

So... I have the remains of my brother's rabbitry after some local dogs thinned the herd for them. They went from 19 to 5 in one morning. :(

I don't have hutches built/acquired yet as this was kind of a surprise thing. I agreed to do it because I've been thinking about rabbits for a while now but didn't have a fenced area to put them in until this summer. Right now everybody is in crappy old travel type cages. Like 18" x 18". Not ideal but they will survive for a week or so that way while I build something for them. I have them in an area of the property where the dogs can't go and the rabbits won't see the dogs and freak. We put the cages up on stacks and used some old plywood to make a roof. It's not cold yet here so since they are out of the rain they should be fine for now.

I have 1 white buck w/ red eyes. 1 fawn colored doe who is all freaked out and jumpy. 1 broken brown/white doe who is sweet. 2 adolescent males from the last litter. 2 younger males are probably going to be my (this is how you butcher a rabbit) practice runs. One is super sweet though so I'm tempted to keep him as a buck for the fawn colored doe to balance out her spastic personality. Or I might just stew pot her and the two boys. Concerns for some day not today though.

I did finally find my camera. I put it behind my monitor! Of course, duh, where else would you put a camera to make it safe for longer than the 12 hours you intended and so you couldn't find it for a week to be able to post goat twee twee pictures. Actually I think the camera was a little tired of goat porn and hid itself. You know it's bad when somebody asks why all the pictures in your farm album are from the back.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Wishing you success on your new rabbits venture. Sorry to hear about the dogs thinning your herd. :(

Also glad you found your camera. Goat porn? :lol: I know what you meant. As a newbie it is odd that you take goat pictures from the back, but now I understand WHY. :weee

Hope to see rabbit picture soon. :thumbsup


Overrun with beasties
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
WV - Eastern Panhandle
He's 5hrs away from me and they had hutches built into the side of their shed. Not really easy to transport. It would have involved a lot of deconstruction. They happened to be coming this way for a visit and brought the rabbits with all the movable supplies that they had. Food, water bottles, travel cages, etc. I call them travel cages but they are about the size of what a lot of people use in stacks. I just would like them to have more room. I don't mind building a hutch, it was in the plans anyway, I just wasn't expecting to do it this weekend. I was going to be getting some breeding stock from them at some point in the future but eh life happens and we just have to roll with it.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Congrats on your new venture. I hope you do well with it. I LOVE it! I can't get enough rabbit talk. I love my rabbits. They are so fun and great destresser. I enjoy watching them and feeding them and breeding them and raising them. I even don't mind butchering them. And I love to eat them.

I love that it is such a fun hobby AND it helps feed our family. Most woman don't have hobbies that great.