I have 3 young adult does, 2 young does born last winter that I will breed later this year, 2 doelings born in May, One (now stinky)buck, 2 wethers, oh yeah my daughters pet old nygerian doe that I will never breed again as she wouldn't let you milk her if her life depended on it! Had a terrible bout of mastitis (but a beautiful doeling!). So thats 11 altogether. Numbers to increase next spring .
I didn't know we were supposed to keep track! The other day we counted 11 bucklings in one pasture, but added four more rescues the next day... There are only supposed to be 10 girls in the dairy pasture, but somewhere that went all wrong and there is about 12 in there now. The small goat paddock can be anywhere from 4 to 25 depending on the time of day and who may have come to visit us on that particular day!