Can you body condition score them?
It's gotta be worms. If they hadn't been wormed before that's what probably caused the loss of weight. This sounds just like what was happening with my doe when I first bought her. I was feeding her a ton but she wasn't gaining any weight. She was probably a score of 1.5 to 2 for awhile. I even wormed her multiple times with chemical wormers. But then I found out that she was wormed with the same type of wormer all her life so her body had built up resistance to that wormer. As soon as I figured this out I started her on an herbal wormer (Molly's Herbal Worm Formula Kit) because there isn't any sign of worms being able to build up resistance to this herbal wormer (and in my opinion, herbal wormers are more desirable than chemical ones for many reasons- read more about them here: Right away the worms were flushed out and GONE and she is putting on weight so quickly now!Vickir73 said:Momma Goat gets her 3rd dose of Ivomec this week and Daisi and Dafni get their second dose.
I am feeding Purina Goat Show (16% protein), Sweet mix (12% protein) (but only because they are eating so much Goat Show I have to do something different (and they seem to like it better - duh - it's got more sugar in it and alfalfa pellets. I'm mixing it this way: Up until a few days ago Dafni and Momma Goat were eating 12 cups each per day (4 cups of Goat Show, 1 cup of Sweet Mix, 1 cup of alfalfa pellets) on the stand and Dafni was getting 3-4 cups per day (1 cup of Goat show with a 1/2-1 cup of Sweet Mix and Alfalfa mixed together). The boys were getting 3 cups (1 1/2 cups of Goat Show and 1/2 cup of Sweet mix and 1 cup of alfalfa pellets).
The last couple of days I have been mixing everything together and feeding them in the main feeder - 8 cups of Goat Show - 4 cups of Sweet mix and 4 cups of alfalfa.
I'm very uncomfortable with feeding them all together in the main feeder (I feel like I'm neglecting them), so I'm going to feed individually in the mornings and put feed in the main feeder in the evening and see how that works.
They also get 2 flakes of hay a day (or more or less depending on how much the eat) and are on about 60 X 40 (and we will be doubling that this weekend). I've noticed since I've started worming them their coat is getting shiner and softer so maybe I just haven't given them enough time to start putting weight back on since worming? (They had never been wormed and I think Momma Goat was pretty bad off by the time I figured out what was wrong.)
x2Straw Hat Kikos said:Her goats look to be about a 2.5. It is to hard to learn how to determine their BCS without having a good amount of knowledge about it and either watching videos or having someone show you how to determine it. So if you can not figure it out don't worry about it, Vickir. Pictures can not teach it as well as being shown.