Loving the herd life
So sorry your lamb died I have not had experience with this problem, but personally I would try to milk out colostrum to freeze should a lamb need it in the Dad did this with cattle. My concern would be with mastitis in your ewe...hoping someone with knowledge and experience with this answers you soon. sorry about your lamb!
Good idea to save the colostrum. Save the milk for about a week to get rid of the icky colostrum taste and then you have something to make cheese with.You could milk her. Especially if the lamb was new, youd be surprised how readily mom would stand.
If the lamb was new, id collect that colostrum. In the wild, the ewe would dry up -- animals prone to infection would die off. Some people will milk only a little when they look uncomfortably engorged, largebproducers leave them to absorb.
Sheep milk is rich! And delicious. Makes delicious cheese. I would take advantage of it if you have the time.