Loving the herd life
I also have Nigerian Dwarfs and it was a huge challenge figuring out how to keep them out of the chicken house since they live in the chicken run that is attached to the chicken house. Here's a couple of pictures of what my husband finally figured out to keep them out. In the last two years.... they've never been able to get into the chicken house. The chickens can easily get into the pophole with these boards but the goats (even the babies) can't twist their bodies to get through. The chickens can easily duck down and then get over the inside boards:
Here's from the outside:
Here's from the inside:
I did have to take the ramp off (you can see it in the second picture) but the chickens still have no problem jumping up into the pophole and getting inside.
Obviously, if you have a larger pophole this won't work either.
Here's from the outside:

Here's from the inside:

I did have to take the ramp off (you can see it in the second picture) but the chickens still have no problem jumping up into the pophole and getting inside.
Obviously, if you have a larger pophole this won't work either.