How do you keep your goats?

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
With all due respect, CM....
"Training" can mean many things.

I never trained our LGD's to guard, heaven knows they know more about being livestock guardians than I can ever hope to. They still amaze me with how effective and smart they are, after 7 years w/ LGD's.

But I did lead train them, train them to sit, and they know that when I'm in the pasture that *I* am the boss.

I also monitored them as pups, corrected inappropriate behavior, and rewarded them when they did well.

NONE of that stops them from being effective, wonderful LGD's who are independent thinkers, willing to protect their herd from anything from the lowliest muskrat to the idiot neighbors' dogs...when I'm not there.

Maybe you got lucky and got the world's smartest, best livestock dog....good for you.

I happen to feel the same way about Razor, my old male.

I'd just hate for someone to think they can get a pup, turn it loose, and expect miracles, based on your comments.
OR, have a young dog who slips up and they think he's worthless based on your comments.

I've read your opinions in the past on Pyrs, and FWIW, I feel the same way about your chosen breed....and that's our right, to each his own opinions.

The beauty of it is we are each happy w/ our own dogs, and how they guard.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
I should have been more specific... What I meant to say was that a good LGD shouldn't need to be trained to guard, to forget or ignore its prey drive, etc.. Those things should be "baked in" as breed characteristics.

Training them to respect your authority, stay out of your way, not bolt through an open gate, etc -- whole different story. You're absolutely right about that.

And, yes, we do have the world's bestest LGD ever. :D


FWIW, when I talk about Pyrs, I'm mostly talking about what seems to pass for a Pyr around here these days. I've little doubt that Pyrs which are the product of thoughtful and selective breeding make fine LGDs..

Those are difficult to find around here. Unfortunately, craigslisters with "grate pryinees" or "graet perinyes" dogs and crosses are a dime a dozen.. :(