4 Nubian goats (with babies coming in March if my boyo did his job this week)
2 inside cats
4 mutt dogs
18 chickens (mix of production reds, black australorps and cuckoo marans)
21 chickens (Buff Orpington, Rhode island red, russian orloff and Easter eggers) after we send two to freezer camp tomorrow for egg eating.
6 muscovy ducks
3 mini nubian goats
1 nigerian dwarf buck (here temporarily merely as sperm donor)
five dogs (rhodesian ridgeback, ridgeback mix, karelian bear dog, border collie, golden retriever, all female except the golden), they are all rescues we either chose or could not adopt out from our dog fostering projects.
Two cow kitties, matched bookends, male and female and a orange male cat. Excellent mousers, one is worth is weight in gold!