*Please excuse the backseat mess, I have three boys! (Four if you count the Hubbs who happens to be the messiest of them all. Shhh, don't tell I said it)!
Sorry to read about your loss.
Currently, I have 3 Black Australorps, 4 Barred Rocks, 4 Comets, 6 Americaunas, 1 rare white( or was told they are rare) Easter Egger.
I will be culling some of the older hens and be replacing them with some Colombian Wyandottes, Lakenvelders, and one remaining Russian Orlof. I had 2 RO but one decided to go swimming in the cattle trough. I plan on getting some Rhode Island Reds and some other different breeds too next year.
I've only just read this thread....SO sorry you lost your 12 chickens. It's a horrid thing to happen.
We don't have many chicken predators over here, but I've had the fox attack, too, in the past. On one attack my lovely big Brahma roo must have fought him as I found yjr bird cowering in a hedge with huge gashes on his back. I stitched him up and treated his wounds plus kept him indoors. He went on to live for another 5 years and fathered many chicks, but 6 hens were never seen again.
I currently have 30 something chickens....refuse to count them as then I know I'll have to admit I have too many! Currently only getting 1 egg at best per day......hens too young, too old, moulting, having a break etc.
I go for large birds. I have mainly Gold and Blue Partridge Brahmas, plus some Naked Necks (love their quirky appearance). Oh, and I have quite a number of birds with varying amounts of leg and neck feathers and every colour known to chickens due to random crosses.