How many goats do I need for milk for one family?


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
My NG had twins that died within 36 hours and was giving 16 oz in am and 10 in the pm. I bred her again and milked her till 3 months b4 birthing. She delivered on time and the kid died within 36 again (infection through umbilical) This time she is only giving 16 oz in the AM, I probably could have built her up to the other 10 oz, but my heart is not in it this time and she is a bit off too. too much loss.

I am able to get about half a gallon every 3 days. It keeps much longer than the books say.

My plan was to have both of my does in milk and to space their kidding a few months apart. One of my girls will not get pregnant though- It is suggested to give them a year between breeding (mine didnt wait that long) You can milk them while pregnant but want to stop 2-3 months prior to kidding. This is why having at least 2 is a good idea, if yo can get them pregnant, you should have milk year round.

Milking is not hard at all- it takes about 10 minutes. Her teats are not tiny- about the size of the 4th finger of a rubber glove. I milk into a stainless steel mixing bowl- I cannot find a pail that will fit under her. My husband built me a stand that is tall enough for me to just put my legs under. It is puts her udder just where I need it.

Sounds like you got some NG with really nice big teats. Our NGs and our mini's had the worlds smallest teats I swear. They were legitimately the same size as a sharpie marker but only about 1.5" long. It was misery! They were being bred for size by the previous owners though not udders/milking.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
I would be buy from a breeder because then you can know the health of the goats by asking for herd testing for certian things like Tuberculosis, cae, brucellosis. Also if you can get them from a breeder in your area you can have a mentor close to you that can help with issues you may come across. My first birthing doe have birth when I gave birth so I wasn't home. And unforantly the kid died and I honestly don't know if it was something that could have been treated right away and would have ended up okay or not. Also before you get them don't forget that does limit your ability to go out of town. So if you can also find someone who might be able to help if you need to leave for a few days that would be helpful as well.