Just do a google/youtube search for goat birthing/kidding and you should turn up more than enough to keep you busy until she lets the kid out When she actually goes into labor, she'll start having contractions. they should be noticeable as she'll kinda go rigid and tighten up all over while she's pushing. If it's a natural birth presentation you should see fr4ont hooves from both feet with a nose right above them, almost like the kid is "diving" out of mom. If you only see one foot, or no nose or something different, then there might be an issue. https://www.backyardherds.com/threa...ning-and-raising-young-goats.1225/#post-36882 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...-nRAhXFa5oKHVUFCXMQMwhJKB0wHQ&iact=mrc&uact=8