Goat Whisperer
Herd Master
I agree with what has been said.
Every goat is different. Some goats need more feed, others less. There is no "one size fits all". If your girl has a good BCS keep doing what you're doing. If she's fat, decrease the feed, if she's skinny you need to increase Pics would be great. You can take pics while she's on the stand if you'd like. Sounds like you are at a good starting point!
Every goat is different. Some goats need more feed, others less. There is no "one size fits all". If your girl has a good BCS keep doing what you're doing. If she's fat, decrease the feed, if she's skinny you need to increase Pics would be great. You can take pics while she's on the stand if you'd like. Sounds like you are at a good starting point!