Just born
We have 2 NG does, just over a year old. I just spoke today to a woman with a meat goat buck. She doesn't know breed, but it should be fullsize, but this one isn't. He was abandoned by mom at birth, had some problems, and she says he's about the size of of my dwarfs. He's a little over 2 yrs old, didn't get banded as kid because he was so little and she didn't want to traumatize him. She's looking to get rid of him only because he's figuring out how to let the cows out of the pasture (not sure of whole story here). We are *not* looking to breed our does, and if we were, it would be to another NG. However, if he's "pet quality" and would get along with ours, we would consider taking him. But only as a wether. Is this too late? He loves to hang out with their family dogs, so we could possibly put him in with ours. He has horns so could definitely take care of himself with our somewhat spastic lab, unlike our does.
Thoughts, advice? TIA
Thoughts, advice? TIA