Ridin' The Range
Ok I have a little issue. I have to buck babies and one stinks like mad already. 5 weeks old now so they are big enough. Do i just call up the vet and ask him to slip a band on or what? How is this usually done.
Good information to have. These goats would be pets I think. If they are sold of course I have no control over that part but in my mind they are to be pets. I was worried I was waiting too long. I have 3 more weeks at least to research YAY I am not sure I could do it so easily. I am more the unconscious type rather than the shaky type.CrazyCatNChickenLady said:I bought an elastrator and a bag of bands at the feed store for like $12 total.. Its really easy to do yourself. Just make sure you get both in the band and then release pressure to release the band and slide the band up off the prongs. I've seen breeders advertize banding on their websites for $10-15 to band each kid. You can buy the stuff for the cost of one and the bag comes with about 100 bands! The first time I did it I was a little shakey becuse I was cutting off circulation to his man parts. It was seriously easy though! I cleaned my band and elastrator and the goat parts with povodone iodine first.