Ridin' The Range
OK... my kits are 6 weeks old and one of them is about to go to it's new home. I brought it inside to observe it for 24 hours just to make sure it is eating and drinking well (it is ) Since it was just a temporary setup, I just set up the bottom half of my old ferret cage (six inch pan with 3 foot high sides, no top cause it is attached to the other 3 foot half.) I didn't think it would be a problem, but then again I have never housed a rabbit or kit without a top Well this morning my 4 year old was the first up and came running in to tell me that the bunny was out and running around the living room. Bunny had made it all night and was still in the cage at 6 am when got hubby off to work and headed to the kitchen to start some house work. My 4 year old insists that she didn't "help" the bunny out so I'm a little perplexed. Bunny will be going to it's new home later today, so I'm not really worried about another escape, but it would be a good thing to know for next time