I just bought 3 rabbits from a breeder. I carefully checked over them. All appeared healthy and happy. I brought a doe and 2 bucks home. I quarantined them from our other rabbit and the next morning the doe was sneezing. She got moved into the house since I ran out of safe places for her to go. She has been sneezing for about a week now. She has some nasal discharge. The first 5 days it was white, now it is clear and there isnt much coming out. No crusties or anything. The other 2 appear to be just fine. No sneezes or anything from them.
I contacted the breeder and she thought it was because they live outside, put into air conditioning in the car then back outside. The doe has been vaccinated for pasturellla. She doesnt want me to cull her and just give her more time. Does the vaccine work?
My question is this: Does it sound like she is carrying pasturella and the symptoms appeared when she was stressed? I want to breed my rabbits for health and temperament. I'm not sure there is a place for her in my herd. I dont want to have to worry about her getting sick when she is stressed, giving it to my buck or her future kits. She's not a nice doe anyway, but the breeder is adamant that its not pasturella.
I contacted the breeder and she thought it was because they live outside, put into air conditioning in the car then back outside. The doe has been vaccinated for pasturellla. She doesnt want me to cull her and just give her more time. Does the vaccine work?
My question is this: Does it sound like she is carrying pasturella and the symptoms appeared when she was stressed? I want to breed my rabbits for health and temperament. I'm not sure there is a place for her in my herd. I dont want to have to worry about her getting sick when she is stressed, giving it to my buck or her future kits. She's not a nice doe anyway, but the breeder is adamant that its not pasturella.