Herd Master
But it is really really hard to beat our weather in CA.
Yes, I did read that the BF didn't seem interested in moving, but I was hoping that for both their sakes, she could prevail upon his common sense in regard to the amount of return on investment, if for no other reason....Ever heard of Dave Ramsey??? he does radio programs here about getting out of debt and I keep thinking about some of what he has to say and how they could set themselves up to be totally financially independent as well as have a bigger farm that they want, etc.... If the BF is that much of a genius as Alexz7272 says and she has that much belief in him, he should at least look at what she is saying....maybe even talk to a financial advisor.... I am talking to one now trying to explore my options due to possible changes in my job situation, my joint issues, the newest bs with our health insurance, and what is my best recourse....I"ll bet most people on here would look at the possibilities with the amount of return they can get on the place they currently have, and give their eye teeth to make a move. It scares me to think what could/can/will happen if we have another housing bubble burst; not withstanding the debt this country is in and what it is going to mean for the younger ones coming up. I was just hoping that maybe something you or latestarter or even I said would get them to look at it from another point of view.Except the BF doesn't seem interested in moving.