And if as you say the various types of animal owners stay in their respective animal sections how will it change the cow discussion? Reality is that it doesn't skew anything. All it does is combine more farm animal interests into an easier to manage format.WildRoseBeef said:I have to agree with everyone on here about this. I really don't like the idea of a Backyard Herds forum because chances are that the folks that are associated with goats and sheep won't be participating in the discussion or politics on cattle or vice versa. You can't raise a cow or two in a suburb one-acre back yard; you can with goats and chickens. Like IMMG and GFG said, we cattle folk are an elite group of people that raise cattle not because it's a hobby or an interest, but because its a way of life, something that is much harder to let go than say sheep, goats or chickens, per say. With goats and sheep folk getting in the midst of things, we're going to get two separate groups of people that is highly likely to not be communicating with each other on the same forum except on the chat threads. The goat/sheep people will stay on their goat/sheep subforums or threads or whatever they're called and the cattle folk will stay on their threads/subforums/forums. Sure this BYCows don't have a lot of members but so what?? This forum is about as active as any forum can be, no matter if we got 2000 less members than BYChickens or the other sister forums. But the number of members have got nothing to do with this. It's the fact that if we introduce a few sheep/goat subforums it'll really skew things. So with that, I would much rather leave BackYardCows as it is from now on and have a separate Goat/Sheep forum for the goat/sheep folks.
And maybe you can add a BYPigs forum in the process.
That's all I gotta say about that.
Pigs! Will take note of that.