Herd Master
Most people think that we have all lost our minds, first by living on acreage and keeping livestock with all the work and expense that entails. Then we get crazier by purchasing a large expensive guardian dog to protect our livestock. Then we prove that they are right by having to purchase a 2nd and 3rd LGD to assist the first LGD! 
Rest assured that we are the normal ones since we choose to live surrounded by nature, animals and our dogs, rather than shoulder to shoulder in tight neighborhoods or condos. The work keeps our bodies fit (OK, semi-fit since lot of us are older - actually in the PRIME OF LIFE!) and our minds sane. We don't need therapists or drugs (and after buying livestock feed and dog food can't afford either one

Rest assured that we are the normal ones since we choose to live surrounded by nature, animals and our dogs, rather than shoulder to shoulder in tight neighborhoods or condos. The work keeps our bodies fit (OK, semi-fit since lot of us are older - actually in the PRIME OF LIFE!) and our minds sane. We don't need therapists or drugs (and after buying livestock feed and dog food can't afford either one