In the real world news today Thurs, November 29 2018


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
No one on the internet and very very VERY few in real life have ever offended me. For them to be able to do so means I must first choose to BE offended. I have and will continue to choose not to be.

In today's world, it appears people can and often do choose be offended by anything and anyone at any time for any reason. Any news webpage will confirm that on a weekly basis.

I tend to take heed of the advise given in Nifty's Rules post.
2) If you ever feel a post is directed to you personally and that someone may be "attacking" you, by no means respond publicly. Hit the report button on the bottom of that post and the forum staff will review and take action if needed.

3) Express your differences of opinion as such.

4) Remember there are lots of challenges with communicating by text only. So much is lost (tone, body language, etc.) which can cause a HUGE miscommunication problem. Per wikipedia:

"Some researchers put the level of nonverbal communication as high as 80 percent of all communication. More reasonably it could be at around 50-65 percent. Thats exactly what Mehrabian discovered in his communication study. He found that only 7 percent of communication comes from spoken words, 38 percent is from the tone of the voice, and 55 percent comes from body language."

So, you can see that in cases where people are reading and then posting replies to a comment, especially one that has a lot of emotion, a TON of information can be lost or miscommunication. This is usually responsible for 90% of the problems on forums which cause threads to be locked or removed.

We encourage everyone to be VERY careful as they read AND reply to posts on a forum (i.e., have a thick skin when reading and be very friendly and clear when posting).
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Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Rammy I am sorry, I WAS TEASING..... I thought it was funny and I was just coming back at you in a teasing manner. I WAS NOT OFFENDED!!!!!!!! I enjoy most all of your humor and get a kick out of how you can bring something to mind in the simple shifting of words.... I am not very good at some dry humor sometimes.

It really was meant to "get back at you" in a fun way. PLEASE DON"T DELETE POSTS.... I won't have anything to smile about..


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
In the real world news today, Nov 24 2018, Some university researchers have presented a different way to handle 'climate change/global warming'....
They propose to spray sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere to dim the amount of sunlight that gets thru our atmosphere.
(Isn't that what burning coal and hi sulfur diesel was doing a few decades back?) :barnie:he

Guy: Will it rain today?
Scientist: Well, weather is an extremely complex matter, with thousands of unpredictable variables. The best I can do is give you an educated guess with only medium odds of accuracy.
Guy: that's the best you scientists can do?
Scientist: Yep.
guy: Dude, don't *%@!* with the sun!