Herd Master
What a Thrill!!....those girls, parents, and adults that were there, will always remember and talk about that.....I had a team one year that had some girls that had never played competitive ball and I was working with them to better the high school program....well, we hadn't won a game all year and scoring runs was difficult....we played a team that hadn't won anything either and we were comparable as far as "talent" was was the last inning and we were in the field....the tieing run was at 3rd and the winning run was at 1st.....we had 2 outs and I called timeout....I told the pithcher to hit the mitt....the batter wasn't going to swing....but get that ball to the catcher.....the catcher couldn't throw the ball to 2nd on a Good day........but she could sling it to the 1st basegirl, so I told the catcher to throw it straight to her and told the girl at 1st to throw it right back to the catcher....told her to expect contact and block the line.....they pulled it all off and the catcher tagged the girl out at homeplate and we won.....that was a really great feeling....and I think on it from time to time and wonder whatever happened to all the girls that have played for me thru the years....