I'm not familiar with rain rot
But you can give goats Ivomec by injection
You want to give orally if treating stomach worms but we have injected for mites
I think we go by the label dose
Isn't rain rot a bacterial infection? I used to think it was fungal but have since read that it's bacterial in nature. Didn't know Ivermectin treated infections but I've heard that NuStock does wonders for rainrot.
If you don't have any NS, good ol' Dakin's solution or iodine would make a good soak for following up the epsom. Then leaving it open to air and letting it heal up.
it doesn't look like rain rot to me. and I agree with @Beekissed. paint it with some iodine or a bleach solution and let it dry. is she still limping? it me it almost looks like she caught her foot on something and fought to get loose. hope she is better and you can get her to her new owner.
oh yeah as far as clippers- This is what I have used forover 30 years. My current one is 20+ years old. It is all I will ever use especially with just a few goats to clip.
I like having a 40 blade, 30,15,10, 7F and 6F blades for goats.
With as many goats we have to clip now I may need to get actual goat clippers.... but I love my Osters.
I HATE Andis clippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until now all my injuries have been open wounds of some sort. I guess this is the year for experiencing new things! Mastitis and an... abrasion of some sort???