Introducing herd

Hitte Farm

Exploring the pasture
Jan 23, 2019
Reaction score
Clermont Fl
Any advice would be so appreciated!!!

I have two 8 month goats
One doe and one weathered who I have raised since birth and bottle fed. (Spoiled brats and I LOVE them!! )

I have two new 8 day old twins I am bottle feeding inside. I took them out to meet my two goats today.

They all but tried to kill them. Horned them and my weather even horned ME!!!
Never happened before!

How do I go about introducing and having them except them into their herd?
I am really regretting getting more goats right now :(
Please help!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Greetings and welcome to BYH from NE TX! So glad you joined us, but sorry for the reason that brought you here. Goats, like all herd animals, have a pecking order. Normally mama goat would introduce the new babies to the herd, and they would start at her station in the herd. The other herd members would still butt the kids to "show them their place" but mama would protect them and "teach them" to stay away from harm, and herd dynamics. You are, or should be, the "herd queen" or "HGIC" (Head Goat In Charge). You will need to introduce the kids gradually and for the first week or two, be in there as their mama to protect them and keep them from running afoul of the existing herd members. As the kids get a little older, faster, more aware, they'll be better able to "get away" and stay out of trouble. Like anything, it will be a process, will take some time, and how much time is difficult to determine in advance.

There's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. You'll get to "meet" folks at the same time. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Oh, and we all love pics, so post them anytime you feel the need! Please make yourself at home!

PLEASE put at least your general location in your profile. It could be very important if/when you ask for or offer help or advice. You know, climate issues and such. I recommend at least your state as most folks won't be able to figure out where if you put anything more specific (county, town, street, etc) by itself. Old folks like me will never remember from this post & look there first. To add it, mouse hover over Account top right and a drop down will appear. Click on Personal Details and scan down. You'll see the spot for Location. Then go to the bottom and save changes. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the site!
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Not sure where you are physically located, so weather is of course a major concern here, but if you can section off a small portion of the goat pen/area/pasture with a couple of cattle panels, the babies can go right through them as the holes/openings above the bottom two runs are large enough for babies to step right through. If you put a large dog crate/doghouse/warming barrel/whatever inside for the babies to go into for nighttime warmth, bad weather protection. Then after you've done introductions, and teach the babies about this "safe place" you should be able to have them learn to stay out there. By the time they're too big to fit through the panels, they should be acclimated into the herd.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
:frowwelcome to BYH, Sorry about your goats being little brats, mine have been like that also. Latestarter gave you the best are the HGIC let them never forget it either :)..... :frow:welcome

Hitte Farm

Exploring the pasture
Jan 23, 2019
Reaction score
Clermont Fl
Greetings and welcome to BYH from NE TX! So glad you joined us, but sorry for the reason that brought you here. Goats, like all herd animals, have a pecking order. Normally mama goat would introduce the new babies to the herd, and they would start at her station in the herd. The other herd members would still butt the kids to "show them their place" but mama would protect them and "teach them" to stay away from harm, and herd dynamics. You are, or should be, the "herd queen" or "HGIC" (Head Goat In Charge). You will need to introduce the kids gradually and for the first week or two, be in there as their mama to protect them and keep them from running afoul of the existing herd members. As the kids get a little older, faster, more aware, they'll be better able to "get away" and stay out of trouble. Like anything, it will be a process, will take some time, and how much time is difficult to determine in advance.

There's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. You'll get to "meet" folks at the same time. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Oh, and we all love pics, so post them anytime you feel the need! Please make yourself at home!

PLEASE put at least your general location in your profile. It could be very important if/when you ask for or offer help or advice. You know, climate issues and such. I recommend at least your state as most folks won't be able to figure out where if you put anything more specific (county, town, street, etc) by itself. Old folks like me will never remember from this post & look there first. To add it, mouse hover over Account top right and a drop down will appear. Click on Personal Details and scan down. You'll see the spot for Location. Then go to the bottom and save changes. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the site!
Thank you so very much!!