Providence Hill
Chillin' with the herd
We have a lovely Alpine doe who is on the smaller side, although she is not a mini by any means (she weighs about 120 lbs). Before we got her she was bred accidentally at a young age to a LaMancha and delivered triplets just fine as a yearling. I would like to breed her to a Saanen this fall, but I know they tend to be a somewhat larger breed. In general, is it okay to breed standard-sized dairy bucks to standard-sized dairy does? I realize breeding to a Boer or Savanna might result in big babies and birthing difficulties, but I'm not sure when "bigger" means "too big" in dairy buck terms, and all bucks look big to me! It will be our first set of kids and I'd like it to go smoothly. The other option is a Nubian buck but for various reasons I'd prefer the Saanen.