I've had my goats for about a year now and I heard that chicken feed wasn't good for them, I wasn't sure why. My goats share the same barn with the chickens, I've started using the layer pellets and throwing them on the ground, its the only way to keep my goats out of it. I worry more now because my doe is pregnant now, but she has never had any issues with eating it that I know of. The person I got my goats from had them on a 10% sweet feed mix and now its the only thing I can get them to eat besides the chicken feed. They eat hay & brush too of course. But I've been wondering what it would do to them from eating chicken feed??? Hoping to get them in their own barn soon to feed them separate.
If you scatter grain for your hens twice a day and stand their while they clean it up, your goats will not get a significant amount and they will be just fine! So will your hens. I have my hens and turkeys and guineas all sharing a common area with my goats and things are just fine. Just keep the birds from pooping in the water and feed/hay.
I just put up some chicken wire to keep the birds from roosting over my kidding stall, so it will stay clean. I bring fresh water out twice a day so the goats can drink water that has not had a beak in it, if they wish. It works for me.