Herd Master
My mom loves to have her grandkids visit. And she loves when they leave and her house is peaceful and quiet again. Doesn't mean her grandkids are unwelcome or offensive or unwanted. Just means she likes her nice quiet house, too.
So, a few people have talked about how many more posts and members there are, a few have wondered when BYC's new home will be ready so it can get back to a bit more like 'normal' here at BYH. Doesn't mean anyone has to jump to the conclusion that anyone is unwelcome or all the posts are offensive. And if a few people are actually unhappy about the temporary influx - so what? People are people, not everyone has to like everything and everyone all the time.
I've also seen posts complaining about BYH - it's different, I'm not used to it, I don't like it, and so on. Am I offended by such comments about a place I love? No, it's your opinions and you're entitled to them.
I'm sure if BYH were down for awhile and there was a mass influx of BYH posters coming to BYC, there would be similar posts and comments and responses on both sides. It's human nature. Deal with it (as a barn manager I once knew was fond of saying).
I've felt a little overwhelmed at all the extra activity here, mainly because I often hop on here for short periods, and I'm used to seeing a page or two of new posts, and lately there's been 6 or 7 pages! And I try to keep up with welcoming new folks. But I think I've mostly been bemused (saw someone use that word in another thread) at all the extra folks and the posts and reactions and the whole situation. I'm glad to see a lot of new faces and hope those who want to will stick around. And I think most here feel the same way.
Take it easy
Take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
So, a few people have talked about how many more posts and members there are, a few have wondered when BYC's new home will be ready so it can get back to a bit more like 'normal' here at BYH. Doesn't mean anyone has to jump to the conclusion that anyone is unwelcome or all the posts are offensive. And if a few people are actually unhappy about the temporary influx - so what? People are people, not everyone has to like everything and everyone all the time.
I've also seen posts complaining about BYH - it's different, I'm not used to it, I don't like it, and so on. Am I offended by such comments about a place I love? No, it's your opinions and you're entitled to them.
I'm sure if BYH were down for awhile and there was a mass influx of BYH posters coming to BYC, there would be similar posts and comments and responses on both sides. It's human nature. Deal with it (as a barn manager I once knew was fond of saying).
I've felt a little overwhelmed at all the extra activity here, mainly because I often hop on here for short periods, and I'm used to seeing a page or two of new posts, and lately there's been 6 or 7 pages! And I try to keep up with welcoming new folks. But I think I've mostly been bemused (saw someone use that word in another thread) at all the extra folks and the posts and reactions and the whole situation. I'm glad to see a lot of new faces and hope those who want to will stick around. And I think most here feel the same way.
Take it easy
Take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy