Hi I have a 2 year old pygmy cross I bred her in October now she is so big I tried last September but she came back in heat so I put her in with my billy in now she ain't in heat it's been 2months now she is really big is it oka for them to show early?
this cookie
Some might show sooner. Right now, my girls are getting in their winter coats which makes them look very large even though they were just bred a few weeks ago. Nothing there in the photo screams pregnant to me.
Oka now i think she might kid sooner she is big as a car tire oka i put her in with the buck in September cause she was in heat in kept her in there until October 16 cause after September she wanted nothing to do with the buck then I was told to keep her in their for awhile to make sure she was pregnant so I took her out at October 16 now i dont it's her winter fur I would feel really bad if I went out there in found frozen kids cause I didn't know
When she would kid
It's really pretty simple - just start watching her very closely about 145 days from the first day you put her with the buck. Watch her udder and check her ligaments.