Thank you Rolls, I took one look at that "Nubian" and said that's a darn Boer cross!!! Then my husband said, how would you know, I've only been looking at Nubian pictures since I first started my quest on goats, and the fact that I have a Boer buck out there, and boy the look a lot alike. So I posted him here, the ad says, meaty and a few other hint words ,to me that points out she does know. I really do love the people in this forum.Roll farms said:If that's a pure Nubian billy, I'll eat my hat.
He looks like a Boer x, could be to Nubian...could be to ???
The doe looks to have saanen in her, and w/ the floppy-ish ears it might be saanen x nubian or it might be saanen x boer.
The 'trusting' part of me wants to think she truly doesn't know any better...maybe she was 'told' he's Nubian....
But how could you live in TX (Boer capitol of the US) and NOT know???
(I know you're newer to goats....but she's a 'breeder'....)
I agree!!!!!greenfamilyfarms said:I would most definitely NOT pay $250 for him.