Is this a Nubian????


Ridin' The Range
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
In the dust bowl of Texas
I do love my Boers, never thought I'd own some, but they are the reason I noticed he had Boer, his face made me think of my Boer buck.
I don't plan on raising any dairy to show or register, just down here, paper means a good bill of health, proper testing is done on the breeders herds, everyone else I've talked to, they want to sell a Nubian w/o papers for $400.00, you ask about testing and you get some line that Texas is clean, then on to the run around and avoiding.
I know it will take some time and I am willing to wait to find my perfect milking goats. As we can all see, people go on that you don't know what your talking about around here, very hard to find honest people, as with the Nubian in ?, this woman breeds sheep for 4-H , we made an agreement/trade with a contract to back both ends of us and look, it's already been crossed, LOL, it says that the father is Nubian and the mother is Nubian x Saanen and that I would be getting ALL Nubian x Saanen does, in exchange for the bull calf, if only one doe is born, then she is to pay me the remaining money for the bulls worth, in that case, the money is doubled, because she took the bull off of my property, she wanted him now and then, then. So we worked out -150 (how much she sells her kids for) for every doe I get, I've had my fingers crossed on at least 2 , hopefully 3, if she gets no does, then we can either re-work the contract for the next kidding season, or I can request $500.00 cash. It's all on paper, oh I forgot the best part, I am to come get them the day they are born, they will not see or touch their mother and I get a supply of 4 months goats milk to feed them. She will call me while mother is in labor and I have to be there within 30 min. (time it will take me to get there) I got myself in a mess, kind of sorta, but I guess it's better than having that bull calf chasing me while I'm doing feed chores. :barnie

You guys know I will be posting pics and asking all kinds of quality questions on them, I am going to take them on and keep my fingers crossed. :fl lots of pink....lots of pink....2 teats.....2 teats.... :idunno


Ridin' The Range
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
In the dust bowl of Texas
Hillsvale said:
Roll farms said:
She doesn't want to buy him.

As stated, he's 50% Boer, and 50% Nubian, she confirmed that w/ his original breeder.

She wanted to know if kids sired by him, to a Nubian x saanen doe, would be 'dairy' enough to bother with, or 'too boer'.

The kids she may be getting would be 1/4 Boer...not him.
I am aware that she doesn't want to buy him that she was interested in the value of the kids he throws, I was responding to Budlady on his value... not to mention a teh value of an animal is different to everybody and depends on their purpose. For instance I put a cuteness value on everything I buy.... :D
:thumbsup That's Cute.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
So just for grins, I emailed the buck owner and said, "FYI-I don't think that's a Nubian."

Her reply:
FYI, I have seen his registration papers and been to the farm that he came from, not a boer in sight! Thanks

So OK. Whatev. :rolleyes:


The Shepherd
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Roll farms said:
So just for grins, I emailed the buck owner and said, "FYI-I don't think that's a Nubian."

Her reply:
FYI, I have seen his registration papers and been to the farm that he came from, not a boer in sight! Thanks

So OK. Whatev. :rolleyes:
Yeah, because if it's on paper it HAS to be true! :lol:


Ridin' The Range
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
In the dust bowl of Texas
Roll farms said:
Shannoniganshens said:
You are correct Rolls. I've got my fingers crossed on those "dairy does" :fl :rolleyes: I found the dairy and they do cross with a Boer to their Dairy does and they remember the sale to this woman I am dealing with, it is in fact a Boer x Nubian Buck and the Doe is Nubian x Saanen......So if ya'll don't mind.....what am I going to get out of their kids? Will they be dairy quality? I am looking at a papered Nubian buck, with awesome written all over him and his parents, for these "dairy does" I'll be getting, question is....Is it worth it? I'm in no position to be picky, but how many circles am I going to have to do!!!!
Being only 1/4 boer, the rest 'dairy', they could very well be great milkers. I have some boers I milk.
My only concern would be udder quality...teat count / size, etc.
Check their little tah tahs before you bring them home.
Boers are notorious for throwing 3, 4, 5, and UP teats.

Hopefully all the dairy behind them will 'fix' any udder / teat issues the boer might have added in.

Something to consider....If you breed them to your new papered buck, you technically *shouldn't* attempt to register the kids, even as recorded grade. They don't want any goats with meat blood in the registry. I don't know if that was your eventual plan (breeding up, on paper) but if it's not, then no worries.
I did a check, on the Boer does I have, 4 have only 2, then my registered girl has 4, they aren't attached or close to each other, but why does she have 4 and not 2 ? Are they bred like this for a certain reason? Are they useless if she were to have more than 2 kids? Sorry for all those questions, just wondering your opinion on them, to me it's kind of odd. Is this what I want in her and her kids? Will my buck pass this on to my 2 teat doe kids? They are not (Ill lil and Jackson)related, but both came from the same farm. They breed for 4-H and I want this trait or not? :/

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Some boer breeders claim that extra teats are awesome, so that they can feed multiples.

The ABGA is possibly going to change their standards to say, "2 teats are preferred"...which has some breeders up in arms. They've ignored teat problems for so long that they don't want to have to worry about it now.

4 teats are 'allowed' as long as they're seperated. My sister paid 250$ 3 yrs ago for a doe w/ 7 TEATS! 7!!!!
When she was in milk you'd squeeze a side of her udder and milk would come out from 3 orifices! How's a kid going to nurse that?

I started w/ dairy goats, so I just can't convince myself that 4 teats is 'a good thing', no matter how much I try.

I have some boer does w/ extra teats (because I wanted to work on color and couldn't find what I wanted w/ only 2 teats) but I'm only keeping 2 teaters and using 2 teated bucks as much as I can.

It's really just a preference thing w/ me...but I have seen a shifting of the attitudes about multiple teats in the last year or so.

Did you check his teats?


Ridin' The Range
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
In the dust bowl of Texas
:lol: you just taught me something new!!!! I didn't know he had them!!!! All we notice is his "big bongo, bongo's " as my 4 year old calls them!!!! I will check tomorrow. :gig

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
If he's got 4, then chances are some of your kids sired by him will, also.
Sometimes breeding 4x2 will 'fix' it...sometimes not.

4 aren't as bad as 'fish' teats or clusters.