Chillin' with the herd
I have a yearling doe (15 months old) that has a big, and I mean BIG udder. She never been bred, she seems happy, comfortable and eats very well. Besides the udder looking abnormally huge to me, she looks very healthy and is sweet as ever. The udder is the size of a large cantaloupe, the teats are still small. It is firm and sort of lumpy feeling, and doesn't feel warm to the touch. My husband claims its because she's too fat and I'm worrying too much. I just noticed how big it was a month or so ago while taking a walk. My other goat is on the thin side, but her udder is flat against her, and this seems more normal. I'm new to goats and I've only had these two a year now. I would appreciate any advise or suggestions or comments! Help, I think she should see a vet, but my husband isn't convinced since we just spent about $500.00 getting a stray and the kittens she had all nuetered, spayed, their shots, and one that had to have surgery for a broken leg. He's not too keen on me running the goat up unless it's really nessessary.