this year- 70 lambs born- 50 were ram lambs. This year I finished strong with 9 for 9 ram lambs-- the only 9 lambs from that ram that were born-- and as you would guess, I was hoping for ewe lambs since I shipped him.
In 12 years of raising sheep, I have not ever had more ewe lambs born in one year than ram lambs.
In 2010, we had 85 lambs born, and 12 were ewe lambs.
In 2005, we had 32 lambs born, and 2 were ewe lambs-- one of which ended up being a bottle lamb, and the other a broken leg that got killed by a neighbor's dog.
The cows go the same way- last fall 5 bull calves born, 3 heifers. so far this fall, we are 3 bull calves and one heifer-- getting close to being a third done calving.. although, i just bought 11 more heifers-- so next year will be a much bigger calf crop.