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- #11
Herd Master
So...tried a sling last night...DID not work..since his temp was down again I called another vet for a 2nd opinion...his take is donkey's are hardy creatures if they're sick they're really sick and it's too late for your guy...if you want to know what is going on take him to Purdue for euthanasia and neocropsy....
Really frustrated with the local vets I called vet #1, talked to her quite abit and she took my input really well and she then wanted to consult with a colleage and then called me back. We took him down to her office for bloodwork and tubed some more electrolytes into him. (I started some in his mash last night). Despite him not improving she seemed impressed with my nursing care and did not feel it was time to call it quits. He eats hay and the mash VERY hartily. She's concerned about founder b/c his front right is very very weak, we did get him up (3 of us) standing for a few moments so she could check his pulse in his rear legs. Started him on antibiotics b/c I discovered an ulcer on his lip. We got him up successfully for a couple of hours this evening in a sling and he was doing fairly good...
A part of me is scared to know what the blood work will say b/c he was totally being goofy and playing with his bucket of mash tonight (temp was coming up too )....that is why I can not give up! Miracles happen! I know he's been down WAY too long and it's not good that he can not keep his temp maintained dispite our care. If nothing else we've done everything possible to give him a chance.
Really frustrated with the local vets I called vet #1, talked to her quite abit and she took my input really well and she then wanted to consult with a colleage and then called me back. We took him down to her office for bloodwork and tubed some more electrolytes into him. (I started some in his mash last night). Despite him not improving she seemed impressed with my nursing care and did not feel it was time to call it quits. He eats hay and the mash VERY hartily. She's concerned about founder b/c his front right is very very weak, we did get him up (3 of us) standing for a few moments so she could check his pulse in his rear legs. Started him on antibiotics b/c I discovered an ulcer on his lip. We got him up successfully for a couple of hours this evening in a sling and he was doing fairly good...
A part of me is scared to know what the blood work will say b/c he was totally being goofy and playing with his bucket of mash tonight (temp was coming up too )....that is why I can not give up! Miracles happen! I know he's been down WAY too long and it's not good that he can not keep his temp maintained dispite our care. If nothing else we've done everything possible to give him a chance.