What he also forgot to tell you was that we loned our friend the ram to breed these three, the ram got the 13 girls he owned breed, but picked up menigeral worm while out on his farm and we lost him because of it. So I just had to buy these three and their unborn babies, they were the only three I was interested in. Southern I sent you pictures of these three a few weeks ago, The white one with black poka dots will lamb in the next 48 hrs.
The brown ram lamb weight was 11 lbs.
I will get as many pictures as possible no worries there
No babies yet this am, Hope she waits till I get home from work
Southern, as for the lamb chops, No he will be sold as a breeder if he makes the top 10%, I am sure he will, but will have to wait to see if he carries the parasite resistant genes that his parents have.
Boykin2010 where are your pictures of your new lambs? Need pictures it is the rule on here.
Bonbean, this next ewe has thrown triplets her last two lambings, But so did the first ewe, Not sure if the guy we got them from flushed them, not sure why the first one only had a single, Flushing does seem to make a difference, I am real sure this next one will have a least twins, and she is a easy lamber so not worried about that.
The milk bag problems they had last year was the previous owners fault, These were the first sheep he ever owned, and they were kept in lambing stalls for the last 2 months of pregancy, This is a problem, keeping sheep stalled for so long, the stall floors (DIRT) with straw, would get soaked with urine and sheep poop, all though he tried to keep clean, when the ewes would lay on the stall floors their teats picked up a bacteria that caused an infection in one side of their milkbags, they were treated with meds from the vet and I believe all is well. ...... But needed to keep at home close to keep an eye on.
But it backs up my theory that field lambing is the best, as you never know how much bacteria is growing in small areas, Lambing jugs are ok if only kept in them for a few days.