Mike CHS
Herd Master
Very nice pictures. We have several different kinds of chickens but our Barred Rocks are my favorite. Our sheep are a mixture of Katahdin/Dorper cross and mostly full blooded Katahdin.
Thank you did not know about posting multiple pics in same post. Lone survivor thinks she's a sheep. She sleeps and lives with them. She got attacked by something and all we found was feathers. We didnt see her for a few days and then we found her in the sheep house with the sheep. She hardly leaves their sides now. Its funny to look out and see her laying in the middle of them all. She feels save with them I guess.Thanks for sharing the pics. I'll be "riding along" with you on your journey (here). You know, you can post multiple pictures in one post... Just select them one after the other for upload.Time to get that lone survivor some company! She is a "flock" animal after all. I recommend a nice round dozen!