Jersey calf for meat???


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I didn't realize that goats were on a 305 day production record like cattle. Only had one goat herd on DHIA test for about 6 months as she wanted SCC counts and butterfat results. She wasn't purebred and I think it was the "idea" of having "official" results that lured her to testing. Then she wound up selling them and they moved so end of that.... There are a couple of people here that I know of that milk goats for themselves but not on test, so I don't have alot of experience with that. Interesting to know that obviously the better dairy breeds will hold production that limited experience was that most milked them for 4 or 5 months.... Thanks for the lesson/knowledge.:) I assumed that on a goat dairy that you would have them kidding at various times to keep a steady milk supply or that you would be more seasonal... See "assuming" made the a** out of only me!!!:lol::lol:
They say that calves do real well on goats milk; one of our milk testers in a county north of me raises a bunch of calves on milk from her milk goats but I don't think that she milks them for 305 days, so that is probably where I thought they weren't milked for as long a lactation. :hu:hu


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Heard from the dairy farmer on the Jersey bull calves? Did you decide what you wanted to do? Since you plan to have a goat dairy, the goats you have should be pretty good milkers, so you would probably do real good with them on goats milk. Since jersey's in general usually have a higher butterfat than say holsteins; running in the 4.5 to 6 % range, they ought to take to the goats milk. I realize that it is naturally "homogenized" so is pretty easily digested, but isn't their milk pretty high in butterfat too? Just wondering how things were looking for you.