Ridin' The Range
You were given good info. They're young, they're going to test the limits. Keep doing what you are doing. We let ours get away with the rubbing, chewing for a long time, because we had no clue what we were doing and thought it was cute. We would also pat them on the head alot. However, I was then schooled by some fine folks here, that told me not to rub their head as that just encourages them to rub back and push. Rubbing their cheeks, chin, etc is fine. Once we figured it out, and they would start, we would just tell them "No" in a stern voice and push them back or step aside from them if we could to create space. They will get it! They really are super smart. One of our Jerseys is very "mouthy" he wants to chew on us when he can. He is 9 months old now and doesn't do it much any more. But every now and again he will start in. We just have to remind ourselves that it is "not" cute and tell him no. Best of luck with Curly, Larry and Moe. I look forward to seeing updated pics as they grow! Oh, and just educate "everyone else" as to what they can do to help train them and what is counter productive. They'd rather help you I'm sure!