Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Antelope and Big Red kidded. It was a crazy night.

I came home from work and discovered I had forgotten my house keys at work. So I go to the barn in my work clothes and shoes to fill buckets and feed hay. I get to the door and I hear baby "meh meh". So I go around the corner and I see two white babies and a momma I can't quite make out. It was dark. I figure out it was Big Red. So I watch for a minute, they are both up, walking and nursing. I call hubby and tell him to hurry home, but he is still an hour away. :barnie

I go into the barn and go through to the stalls, planning on walking into the alleyway where Big Red is. I get partially there and see a white baby under the head gate. I say "how did you get here and where is your momma?" I look down the alleyway and see Big Red still by the gate with a baby. So I walk over to her- and she she still has two. At this point I realize another goat has kidded, I don't know who and I have no flashlight and am in a skirt and dress shoes. :th

I call my neighbor and ask for help. He comes over with two flashlights. We figure out the third baby is Antelope's, search the field to make sure we have them all, check the plumbing, make sure they are all nursing, dry and doing well. 2 boys and one girl :celebrate

My neighbor's cousin showed up 10 minutes after he did. She had to see the baby goats.

They are good, so I round up Big Red into the barn. When she gets in her babies get mixed in with Antelope's and now Antelope can't find her baby. Big Red keeps chasing her away but lets Antelope's baby sniff and poke around her. I didn't see him nurse but I think she would have let him. I was worried we had a baby stealer, poor Antelope was running around trying to find her baby so we decided to put her in the stall. Well, it turned out to be chase her around three times with my neighbor, his cousin and I all trying to herd her in the right direction. We got her in and decided to leave Big Red out. The weather is nice and she was taking good care of them. :woot

Everyone is doing great, there are pics on the Little Green Pastures kidding thread.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
I had to round up P. Her colostrum was so thick the babies couldn't get enough. SO I fed them a bottle on day one and now they are great! Bouncing all over the place like baby goats should. Big Red leaves hers int he barn all day and comes back regularly to nurse. Antelope takes hers with her, she won't let him out of her sight. They are growing like little weeds.

Mocha kidded this morning, in the dirt. So the babies are all muddy. I rounded them up to get them out of the wind. They were working on standing last I checked. Boy and a girl.

That makes 4 boys and 3 girls out of 4 mommas, two of them first timers.

I am going to take the hounds to pictures with Santa at the feed store. I want to take baby goats but hubby says I am nuts.


Loving the herd life
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
El Dorado County, Ca
I think you'd be nuts NOT to! Oh please take the baby goats for Santa pics - that would be soooo cute. You'd win the POW for sure and I bet a the December calendar pic :) Please please please


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
I took Big Red's babies to get their pictures taken with Santa. Everyone at the feed store was enamored with them. People were taking pictures with their camera phones and the store asked if they could use the picture on their website.


How can you resist?