Woah when it rains it pours! So much for taking a break, whew. But glad it all turned out okay and that the mommy's are taking care of business. Maybe now you can relax?
Mama kidded on Saturday. I had left to go to a funeral and I got a text along the way. The funeral was a former coworker of mine. I went because one of my dearest friends, P was very close to her. P asked me to come and I wanted to support my friend. Afterwards P came out to the farm and loved on the baby goats. I think it really helped her cope with her loss. She had goats as a kid, she likes to remind me she was the champion 4-H goat milker. She has not had goats for decades but enjoys them. She was so excited to see Mama's new babies.
Mama kidded out in the field, no problems. Hubby said it was nice and sunny so he watched for awhile and decided they were fine. We did wind up carrying them back to the barn at dusk. There is some nasty mud to go through to get there.
Then my neighbor, his cousin and her boyfriend came over and we discussed our plans for a Farmer's Market booth this summer. Elf went into labor while they wree there so we all watched little 80 lb Elf push otu this massive 8.5 lb buck kid. He was making noise and trying to stand up when he was halfway out. Neighbor siad Elf didn't push him out so much as he crawled out.
On the down side, Yogurt squished her girl baby. I am so mad at her right now.
We went to a Woodworkers convention in Indianapolis yesterday. Hubby spent all day making his 'wish list".
We have 17 babies on 10 mommies right now. 30 does left to kid.
30 to go???? wow... and here I was all sleep deprived over 3 sheep lambing...and still sweating if the last one is preggo or not... 30 more to kid???? whew...get sleep when you can...this is going to be a long haul