Y'all are just going to have to wait until tonight for pictures of the new babies. Hubby didn't get home until 9:30.
They are a light brown and light brown with the white stripe on the side. My new buck has thrown that color combo a lot lot so far. Starnge since he is a solid very light, almost white beige himself. Must have some color in his background.
Both of the new babies are boys and they are big. Patches is a pretty small doe so these little guys look huge next to her. Patches had black kids last year and I was hoping for more of the same. Oh well. Healthy and no assistnace needed makes me happy.
And here are Patches babies!!!! It was really dark and I was shooting from the hip. Hopefully I will have good pictures of all the babies tomorrow. They are not as big as I thought. It must have been scale since Patches is small.