Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
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N Florida
redtailgal said:
True story: I was mucking stalls in the barn one day. She had called my house and spoke with my hubby and had hung up when hubby said he needed to go to the kitchen to make himself a drink. Now, keep in mind he is sitting in the living room, which opens up to the kitchen.......the fridge is less than 30 steps from him. MIL gets in her car, RIDES PAST MY HOUSE, and comes to the barn to chide me for not going in to "check on him" and see if he needs a drink from time to time while the poor man sits in his recliner managing his stock trades. Those of you that know me can imagine my reaction. :p
:ep I wish I could have been a fly on the barn wall :lol:


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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My MIL gave my young daughters a book about their job as a homemaker and dishes and laundry and such. I threw it in the trash. Not that I am against house cleaning, But really, that is what your grandmother is going to give you as a gift.


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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20kidsonhill said:
My MIL gave my young daughters a book about their job as a homemaker and dishes and laundry and such. I through it in the trash. Not that I am against house cleaning, But really, that is what your grandmother is going to give you as a gift.
Was the book something she read as a child? In this day and age women who actually stay at home and take care of the house and kids are looked down on lots of times. People think that SAHMs sit around all day doing nothing while the spouse/SO worked all day to provide money to pay bills, etc. I was raised to be independent, I started working at age 15 (because I had car insurance to pay) and had been working ever since until I lost my job last April (for stupid reasons). I looked for another job but with my degree area it is good when you have a job in the area but once you get out of it, getting another job in the field is difficult. I have even tried to go back into working retail because I have some experience in that but have not been successful there either. Fortunately DH makes enough at his job that we can keep the bills paid and have a little money left over too. So I have been staying home with the kids for a year now. It's a challenge. I'm not perfect at it. My house doesn't stay clean. I try to have it somewhat clean but with 3 boys constantly dragging things out it is difficult.
My MIL is wonderful. She takes the 2 oldest boys every weekend for the weekend when she is home. My MIL and FIL have done lots of things for us. They've lent us money if we needed it. I can talk to her about just about anything. She has been a wonderful replacement mother for me. When there are things I would talk to my own mother about if she was still alive I go to my MIL.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Turkeys came yesterday. I took a half day off to go get them. Now I have 25 Narragesset poults in the brooder. I have 20 midget whites and 20 "hatchery choice" heritage poults due next week. Birds are growing great. The meaties are so funny! Have you ever seen a chicken waddle?

The first of the 4-H kids is comming to pick up his goats tonight.

I took lots of pictures last night of all the brids but didn't have time to load. I hope to get some posted this weekend.

Kids are all doing well. I haven't put out hay in weeks and all the goats are fat with grass bellies come evening chore time.

I put in my nomination packet for the buck test this week.

Need to move the net out in the front field this weekend. There is still plenty of brouse out there but I prefer not leaving them in one place more than 3 weeks and they are on four.

I want to get the hoop house finished and then started on the next project, the egg mobile! Then design a turkey tractor....... Do you think I could use a plastic 55 gallon drum on it's side as a turkey nest?


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
jodief100 said:
Do you think I could use a plastic 55 gallon drum on it's side as a turkey nest?
I think it would work. I would certainly try it out and see.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Here is the bird adventure. I bring home all kinds of wooden crates from work to use as brooders. Right now we are pretty full and I am using everything I can find.

Here is a box I hauled home from work, it is about 4' x 5' and 40" tall.


it houses the 30 meaties.

Next to it is the big box. It is about 6' x 4' and 40" tall. Again, I got it free from work.

In it are the biggest birds, Golden Comets, Black Sex links and 25 free roos I got with my order. They are all about 5 weeks old and will be going outside as soon as I finish the hoop house. Not sure how many hens I have left in here but it looks like about 10-15.

Then we have the big dog crate. In it are about 20 3 week old Rhode Island Reds.

Next we have the big dog cage. I have 16 3 weeks old Golden Comets in there.

On top of the big dog cage is a 2-hen house with attached next box. There are about 20 assorted Bantams, about 3 weeks old in there.

Then is the watering trough. It came with the house and the goats have been using it as a play toy but I had to steal it.
There are about 60 Production Red and Production White hens in there.

Then I brought home some new boxes. These are about 5' square but only 20" high so I had to get creative.

I cut holes in the lid to string the lights and feeders.

Here are the 25 turkey poults.

So I brought home 3 of the shorter boxes last week. I figured one for the Narragansett turkeys this week, one for the 20 Midget White and 20 "hatchery choice" turkeys next week and the third will house the Golden Laced Wyndottees I will pick up Wednesday. I get a call last night from L, who says he got 500 bantams for $100, do I want some? So I got 200 Bantams for $40. They went in the third box I had for the Wyndottes and now I am out of space again. I was up till 11:00 getting them settled. Pictures later.

I guess I am going to be scrounging in the junk pile at work again on Monday......

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
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N Florida
:ep That's alot of birds. Wish I could find some of those crates - I could do all kinds of things with them.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
elevan said:
:th That's a whole lot of birds! What's your turn over time been on them?
I sell about 10-20% the first week. I then don't sell a whole lot until they are off the lights, then another lull until they are just about to lay. I started with 50 of the birds that are now 5 weeks old, now I have about 10 of them left. Sales on those are picking up again. The 3 week old ones I started with about 150 and am down to about 110. I don't expect to sell a lot more for another 3-4 weeks. The 200 new ones, I sold 25 this morning, I will probably sell a bunch at the swap next week and then not much until they are off the lights. I almost never have any past 5 months. The nice thing about chickens is any left over I\we can eat, so there is very little risk.

Turkeys, I started with those last year and had sold out by 3 weeks. I ordered a lot more this year.