I have had 4 calls from people inquiring about our bucks on test. 2 of them were people who are very recognizable names in the kiko industry. I called the breeder of my buck to get him registered in AKGA. He was eligible but I didn't want to spend the money unless it was worth it. From what his offspring is doing I have to say it will be worth the investment. It is one thing to have a herdsire who is proven to gain well on pasture alone and be parasite resistant. Proving he can pass those traits to his kids is a whole different level of performance.
I am very excited about my boys. The FEC counts knocked out one of my high percentage boys but the rest are still in the running. We have 5 of the top 8 in ADG and 3 of the best 10 in Average FEC. If I can get to the end with 3 boys qualifying for the sale I will be ecstatic! I will be happy with two. Of all of the producers, we have the highest average ADG among our bucks and lowest average FEC.
August is the make or break month.....Hot and humid...
FEC counts are posted for August 9th and a lot of bucks were knocked out of the running with counts above 2000 EPG. No more of ours were. Here is an exact quote from the blog:
"As of August 9, twelve bucks (24%) are meeting the Gold standard of performance for parasite resistance (average fecal egg count). Their five fecal egg counts are averaging less than 500 epg. Randy and Jodie Majancsik (KY) have four bucks that are meeting the Gold standard. Jarred Dennison (KY) and Sam Burke (DE) each have two bucks that are meeting the Gold standard."
Thank y'all so much for your support. This is the first year we entered any bucks and we never expected to do this well. There are still two more weigh ins and FEC reports to do so this ain't over till it's over. I have a deposit in hand for one of our bucks, based on the contingency of final reports of course.
Yesterday I let the goats out. I do this when I change pastures. I let them out, let them graze loose for a few hours and then lead them into the new field. I did the head count three times, coming up 2 short each time. I finally realized that Keeper's 3 months old buck kids were missing. It was about dusk. Hubby and I went up in the woods where they were fenced before and found them. They had settled down for the night under a tree. It took about an hour of chasing them in the dark to catch them. In the woods, on a steep hill, around the pond. I wasn't expecting a chase and was wearing shorts. My legs are covered in scratches. But everyone was safe behind closed gates with the dogs at the end of it.