It's pouring and the wind is making the rain sideways. Today is a good day to kid, right? Pretty sure that Lyla is having kids today or tonight. She is at day 152 and nesting and she is all sunken in on the sides, her udder has blossomed, she has a little discharge, and its a miserable day outside. Time for some kids. She is bred to a mini-alpine by accident but if she has a doe I will keep her and her name will be Stormy.
The news showed pictures of flooding in California. As usual they made it sound like the whole state is underwater. I even got to see the obligatory reporter standing in water past his waist to show us, the viewers, "how deep the water is in the road." I know Ca. needs the rain, but why does it have to all come at one time?
Well my mountain isn't likely to wash away but the culvert did breech. It isn't exactly coming over the top but it is going around one side which could actually be more damaging. We got about an 1" rain in 30 min. Crazy. I went to drive out to the Hwy to take out the trash cans and "had to turn around and not drown." I'm not sure how bad the damage is but at night in the pouring down rain is not the time to find out. So I am house bound for now. DH is coming home tomorrow so he can assess the damage and we can decide how to fix it. There are 8 houses out there and I am not footing the entire bill this time, been there, done that.
8 PM no kids, doe is eating, chewing her cud, a little discharge but not amber in color. Figuring maybe tonight. Maybe not.
11:45 PM check... two doelings on the ground, cleaned, almost dry. That's the way I like them, no long drawn out drama. Cords are dipped, straw is refreshed, water changed, afterbirth is being passed, grain and hay available, and life is good.