What @BlessedWithGoats said... you will get through it. There's over a month before March and maybe some of the things going on will be ironed out by then and lower the stress level. I sure hope so, you're one tough lady and doing an awesome job on building your dairy!
What brand of coffee do you drink? I may want to buy some stock...
I went back to the barn in an hour as I promised her and she had one kid on the ground cleaned and trying to stand. I waited an hour and no real contractions but I knew that there were more kids, there had to be. So I called my mentor for a dose of courage, gloved up and went in. I went WAY in, or at least it seemed like it to me. I finally found a kid's back legs, oh goody goody. So I got the feet lined up and pulled. Kid is out and cleaned and still no contractions so what the heck, I've already been in so let's do it again just to be sure no more kids. Well, guess what...kid number three, also breech. This time the doe is trying to push but I don't have the legs lined up yet and there is no way she is pushing it out with the legs bent. I finally get it where I want it, she has a contraction and I pull. Go in again to check and I don't find anymore kids.
Well, that was fun. All bucklings. She was carrying these kids very very low and I don't know if labor stalled, if the breech position didn't trigger more contractions of if she has other problems. It is a wait and see I guess.
So you ended up with three healthy (I hope) bucklings? Sorry no doelings, but at least you got them all out! I guess you won't be breeding her anymore?
If she has no problems in the next week or so she will get bred again. My friend tells me that wrist deep in a goat's backside is not deep and that it sounds like labor just stalled for whatever reason, could have been the breech position.
I was away from the barn for about an hour and the first kid was up and pretty dry when I got there. She could have tried to deliver immediately after that birth and not been able to due to the position. He was lined up to come out hocks first, that doesn't work. After I pulled the first one and went back in she had contractions as my hand was in there...ouch.
She has a beautiful udder and is a great milker...that is why she gave me all boys.