Goat Whisperer
Herd Master
Congrats on the kid! 
I agree with @norseofcourse
The doe could have passed the placenta and ate it before you found them. Watch her closely, if she starts acting "off" take her temp right away!
Express a few squirts of milk/colostrum from each teat to be sure everything is flowing as it should. The kids can look like they are nursing but it doesn't always mean they are. We had several calls this spring because kids that were born healthy were suddenly becoming lethargic & one died. They didn't check both teats and the colostrum was so thick the kids couldn't nurse. This was 2 different farms.
I would have the momma goats' fecal checked in about a week. The stress of kidding and hormones can cause a parasite bloom.
Any history on CDT vaccines? The kid will need to be vaccinated and if the dam wasn't she should too.
The kid should be monitored for cocci as well.

I agree with @norseofcourse
The doe could have passed the placenta and ate it before you found them. Watch her closely, if she starts acting "off" take her temp right away!
Express a few squirts of milk/colostrum from each teat to be sure everything is flowing as it should. The kids can look like they are nursing but it doesn't always mean they are. We had several calls this spring because kids that were born healthy were suddenly becoming lethargic & one died. They didn't check both teats and the colostrum was so thick the kids couldn't nurse. This was 2 different farms.
I would have the momma goats' fecal checked in about a week. The stress of kidding and hormones can cause a parasite bloom.
Any history on CDT vaccines? The kid will need to be vaccinated and if the dam wasn't she should too.
The kid should be monitored for cocci as well.